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Before I tell you a little bit about me, I’d just like to say hello and welcome to my blog! Thanks for stopping by.

So, who am I? Well, I’m currently a third-year student at Brooklyn College in (you guessed it-) Brooklyn, New York. However, maybe you could tell from the name of my blog that I am not native to the borough of Brooklyn. I live on (not in!) Long Island. I am majoring in Television and Radio and possibly minoring in Psychology. I am maintaining this blog for a Communications class that I am enrolled in, this semester. I am looking forward to learning more about how communication is an important foundation of our society, and hopeful that I can use that knowledge to improve my own behaviors and interactions.

Other quick fun facts about me? I love watching movies (not sure if I want to commit to one favorite just yet); I enjoy photography; I can’t go a day without listening to music; And mint chocolate chip is my go-to ice cream flavor!

In all seriousness, I hope my posts are insightful and interesting, and that they evoke a response from you, my readers. I love to have a good laugh, so I hope that my sense of humor can shine through my posts, as well.

So… that’s a quick summary of who I am and what this blog is for. If all goes well, my blog posts will display more ‘about me’. See you there.

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